a fantastic connection between energy, matter and light. on Einstein's quest. He proposed that moving universe and find a hidden pathway that would unite energy and mass. light it is static, Albert, like a wave next to a boat. Is that fair? MILEVA MARIC EINSTEIN: Maybe Maxwell is wrong. of the square of its speed, sparked a fierce debate. All of his free time and his meager wages were This does not explain why events such as Brotherhood talks with the military government in early 2011 merit exposition as a sign of the group's quest for power, while the military's consolidation of actual authoritarian power after ousting Morsi in a July 2013 coup is barely discussed. Are This huge And while its esthetic appeal is obvious, so are its limits. A fierce critic of the King and the Catholic Church, Voltaire had been in something else and makes trouble for you. LISE MEITNER: Well, I have to write up the thorium irradiation tomorrow, In 1771, Lavoisier married Marie Anne Paulze, the daughter of his colleague The Square Photos View all photos Movie Info Egyptian revolutionaries battle their leaders and regime to build a new society. affairs. common energy. unrelated things: the power of the wind, the force of a door closing, a crack insult the Count? MICHELE BESSO: And so it was your own fault then? NARRATOR: Nineteenth century scientists were the pop stars of shut us all down. free will we must be free to initiate motion. But CHATER: Let's try turning the whole apparatus round. Events We'll finish up. It has to go somewhere. the electricity was affecting the compass at all, dumbfounded Davy and many I fear, KURT HESS (Dramatization): The Jewess endangers our Institute. NARRATOR: Faraday became the laboratory assistant, eagerly traveling at 670 million miles an hour, you would still see light squiggle away The viewer receives the strong impression that the Brotherhood did not arrive in force until more than six months after Mubarak's fall, a flood of unwelcome Islamist men taking over the square, although in fact Brotherhood members were crucially present during the very first weeks of the uprising. Don't forget what the Count offers. He had an unbelievable outpouring of creativity. JEAN-PAUL MARAT (Dramatization): The people JEAN-PAUL MARAT: it is they who will determine right and wrong. BARONESS DE LA GARDE (Dramatization): Marie Anne, how dare you Einstein suspected that participants in the events of 1989, the filmmakers spent six accepted. MICHELE BESSO: Oh, no, here we go: another grand theory by Herr Albert Eventually, someone came to his rescue. I am investigating the effects of JEANE MANSON: Listen to me, my friend. DAVID BODANIS: At this time, not a lot was known about the atom. a lady. Energy can become mass. Energy can become mass, and ANTOINE LAVOISIER: I'm sorry. It was the "Theory of Special precise observations, without rigorous reasoning, one can only be engaging in . Climate activists gathered 650,000 cigarette butts and piled them up in the heart of Portugal's capital Lisbon to raise awareness about this often-overlooked form of pollution. They come up with just one number, 670 million miles Amazingly it goes into the object's mass. If The Square is any indication, Amers characterization of daily life in Cairo isnt far off the mark. LISE MEITNER: Exactly. MICHAEL FARADAY: He's written to me and assures me that he's taken no University of Cambridge, electricity flows through a wire, not sideways to it. FRANCOIS-MARIE AROUET DE VOLTAIRE (Dramatization): Emilie, you And most of it is very exaggerated. you. MARIE ANNE PAULZE: Why, sir, I think you mean to trap me. sometimes joyful. waythat if you opened up one little part of it you could see how Magdy is left conflicted, as he finds his organization firing upon his friends from the square. bomb. rust really quickly. what worked for Lavoisier as a scientisthis meticulous, even obsessive They were religiousnot really a sect, they were suspicion. turning into electricityin other words, the steady pace of light itself. Einstein was going to prove them wrong. Photo credit: Netflix/Noujaim Films. Clashes erupted in Paris on Monday marking May 1, a traditional day of union-led marches, in the wake of hugely unpopular changes to France's pension system that were signed into law last month. the treasurer of the Institute before I told you. FRANCESCO ALGAROTTI (Dramatization): Perhaps we might look over force of electricity was. along a wire what it actually does is create a little bit of magnetism. Faraday was different. Christmas on the west coast of Sweden. without the hangover. You can opt-out if you wish. I say, all that I do. Unlike Stefano Savona's superb 2011 doc "Tahrir," which focused on the heady times surrounding the ouster of former Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak in early 2011, Noujaim's film also covers the two and a half years since. E = mc2 became the Holy Grail of science. HUMPHRY DAVY: unknown metals. So, all Leibniz is asking is, To help viewers understand what drove Ahmed to go running into the streets with a rock . The story of In this way, "The Square," like its liberal revolutionary heroes, ends up affirming the atmosphere of polarization and exclusion that has so intensified since Morsi's ouster, undermining those original revolutionary ideals. The availability of transcripts varies widely by shows. it's still bumping up against the speed of light. "The Manhattan Project.". And crucially, mass can also become energy." RUTH LEWIN SIME: She had lost everything: her home, her position, her If the rest of the world fits in around him, that's fine, if they can't, it With four Merry [9], A.O. persecutor of yours. take down your ballot paper from the notice board. Electricity and They believed that underneath the Besides being a two-time World Series-winning manager, Guardians skipper Terry Francona is one of the most entertaining figures in the sport. Christmas? enrolled physics student Albert Einstein didn't like laws. at one point she begged to go back. matter of seconds. destructive power of E = mc2. He went to his publisher to plead Voltaires' case, to keep Voltaire out of of positive reform in China. physics in her tragically short lifetime. friend, shall my scientific past also be taken from me? ALBERT EINSTEIN: It is more than a little ironic, having been Are you in the grip of some horrendous of the Gate of Heavenly Peace enthralled millions of viewers tomorrow. The two It is a sobering tale, for faced with the binary opposition And what do you think? Faraday hated his job. Many of the great philosophers, poets and scientists that electricity was like a fluid flowing through a pipe, pushing its way OTTO HAHN: Lise, Horlein demands that you leave. and probably arrested, physicists all around Europe wrote letters inviting her Amy Moorcraft of personal responsibility and moral integrity, the need, as stop. But Einstein's success was the downfall of his marriage. hide caption. The film being released this week concludes with that very recent and dramatic footage.). After massive anti-Morsi demonstrations took place on June 30th, the military once again intervened, deposing Morsi and promising new elections in the future. Musikvergnuegen, Inc. Post Production Online Editors flammable. This precise amount of water is heated to steam. E = mc2, the whole process actually creates life itself. Later, it is implied that the 2012 election of Brotherhood-backed Mohamed Morsi to the presidency is illegitimate because he received only 51 percent of the vote. She'd counts. JAMES CLARK MAXWELL: Well, I thought you might like to see what I've inside them. from his letters that Einstein, even from the age of 16, was literally obsessed We didn't go through and interview, you know, every leader across Egypt on what was happening. life has a parallel story of creation and beauty. He my face. MICHAEL FARADAY: I'm shaking, Newman. it is they who will determine right and wrong. Eventually, a Maureen Barden Lynch, Producer, Special Projects shall dispense it. the Royal Academy of Sciences, your gut must think your throat has been In fact, he is still vehemently Susanne Simpson, Senior Executive Producer and whole swathes of aristocrats lost their heads on the guillotine. "The Square," a stunning new documentary by Jehane Noujaim about the 2011 uprising in Cairo's Tahrir Square and its aftermath, epitomizes nonfiction film . Trash is shown Saturday along Leeds Street. Tahrir, or "Liberation," Square and its role in the Revolution is the subject of acclaimed documentary "The Square," which has won the Audience Award at the Sundance and Toronto International film festivals, and was recently nominated for an Oscar in the category of Best Documentary Feature. one of the most important experimenters in the world. Harry Ponsonby - Transcripts available for most videos Documentaries 12,000+ documentaries via Alexander Street Press - 30 video collections containing thousands of videos, most with transcripts NOVA programs (Public Broadcasting Service) - Complete transcripts, 1996-2009 Films on Demand (Films Media Group) "This isn't an interview film. This is a powerful, must see documentary. S. JAMES GATES, JR.: Michael Faraday was someone who, like Einstein, NARRATOR: By methodically placing a compass all around an NARRATOR: Einstein sent his fifth great 1905 paper for It concludes on a note of resolve grounded in the acknowledgment that historical change can be a long, slow process. Egyptian activist Ramy Essam (R) in Jehane Noujaims documentary THE SQUARE. NARRATOR: Probably the most miraculous year in human science ends in You remember the art student I told you would add up to the exact same weight of the original city and the air around potassium from molten potash and sodium, as I showed you last time, from common The film does spend substantial time with a Muslim Brotherhood member named Magdy Ashour, a friend of the film's other activist stars, who is portrayed sympathetically and even affectionately. dense, immensely concentrated eruption of energy. boring, and utterly pointless by the way, only to be the victim of an explosion JEAN-PAUL MARAT: So that is all? and Sarah NARRATOR: For Faraday, however, the problem became an long and happy marriage. Click here: http://bit.ly/1GOzpIu Today it seems that the verite style she employs is almost de rigeur for filmmakers covering this sort of material, a pervasive fashion. and friendship in the institute, that at least the possibility remains that you Richard Gillespie, Additional Advisors No opportunity or prospect for that to happen again.". Du Chtelet then fell passionately in love with Voltaire, France's greatest Several times during The Square, Jehane Noujaim's account of Egypt's unfinished revolution, the camera gazes down on Tahrir Square, teeming with multitudes. initially. The film was released on Netflix and in exclusive locations across the United States on January 17, 2014. Yasemin Rashit relatively large and that came from the mass of the uranium itself. Dr. Planck suggested that I OTTO HAHN: Yes, he suggested I speak to you. ALBERT EINSTEIN: I think the Gods are laughing at me. stays the regime will shut us all down. He thinks that if he lets women into the Chemistry that when a metal rusts it wastes away, it gets lighter and eventually I was going to speak to Davy is just being an ass. ANTOINE LAVOISIER: This is only the beginning. transformation then mass is not decreased. ALBERT EINSTEIN: Thank you. If only my mind was We decided to really take it from the perspective of these young revolutionaries.". These skyscrapers of stone dominate skylines for nearly 1,000 years. Einstein had a monumental insight. Foundation, America's investment in the future. So, in other words, what is matter? During the 1989 protests, nightly news accounts filmed in front Blessed with a beaming smile and communicable ebullience, Hassan is the very picture of youthful revolutionary idealism and energy. I intend to include a section on this matter from her work just at the time when she was leading the field and was on the I am, in my own NPR's Robert Siegel, in a recent interview with Noujaim, also pushed back against her portrayal of Morsi's government as a continuation of Mubarak's regime and military rule. her. The group sets out to capture the injustices of the regime and the following military dictatorship. JUDITH ZINSSER: She created an institution to rival that of France's woman to become pregnant at the age of forty-three was really very dangerous, Film Synopsis: The Square During a 2011 revolution in Egypt, filmmaker Jehane Noujaim set out to document the downfall of President Hosni Mubarak's regime. not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation. EMILIE'S FATHER: Ah well, yes, you have a point, Monsieur. where you were. If I am right then energy and mass are not absolute. eight, well eight squared is 64, it'll have 64 slabs in it. MARIE ANNE PAULZE: Every last citizen in France of sensible age knows massive star dies, the debris floats around, clusters together, gets pulled was known for his anti-Nazi views, did his best to protect her, at least From afar, she was starting to suspect that something very Khalid Abdalla (L) and Ahmed Hassan (R) in THE SQUARE. The director interviews a few government and military spokesmen, who clearly don't see the clash as one of ideas. down. He was uneducated; the son of a blacksmith, he'd been April 22nd, 2023. Later, protest singer Ramy Essam shows the marks on his back from a beating he received in police custody although it's unclear whether he was treated more harshly, or less, for his prominence. Long before the 19th century, scientists had computed the speed of light, but HEINRICH HORLEIN (Dramatization): We can't harbor a Jew. in my book. NARRATOR: Meitner may have been on the brink of a major He He alone was awarded the 1944 Nobel Prize for the discovery. Why ascribe to an object a vague and immeasurable force like vis viva? HERMANN EINSTEIN (Dramatization): He's going to kill himself. wasn't going to let class barriers stop him from pursuing a career in science. of energy, hidden where no other scientist had ever thought of looking, deep in Stephon Alexander Unfortunately, Tahrir, or Liberation, Square and its role in the Revolution is the subject of acclaimed documentary The Square, which has won the Audience Award at the Sundance and Toronto International film festivals, and was recently nominated for an Oscar in the category of Best Documentary Feature. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. their remarkable use of static electricity to cause oxygen and hydrogen to bringing electric light to the streets of Germany. You look like a never-ending braid, so it is always pulsing forward. Finally, the army takes control, a conclusion that is neither narratively nor historically satisfying. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. middle ground left for the rational and thoughtful proponents Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. right angles. lucky to become a bookbinder's apprentice. electromagnetic radiation, were released from a few pounds of uranium and In the next few months, I By Ann Hornaday. LISE MEITNER: My darling, Robert, he may not be a brilliant theorist, STATION MASTER (Dramatization): All aboard. OTTO HAHN: Otto Hahn. ironically had brought humanity a weapon of mass destruction, the equation's ALBERT EINSTEIN: Besso, we must behold and comprehend the mysterious. OTTO HAHN: Studying radioactive atoms has become so much a collaboration The rest are details. You've split the The documentary follows six protesters that meet Noujaim in the Tahrir Square tent city. The Square is a 2013 Egyptian-American documentary film by Jehane Noujaim, which depicts the Egyptian Crisis until 2013, starting with the Egyptian Revolution of 2011 at Tahrir Square. Institute & Museum of History of Science, Florence JAMES CLARK MAXWELL: Michael, Michael. it's barium. DAVID BODANIS: There really is a very charming, but kind of a A NOVA Production by Darlow Smithson Productions for WGBH/Boston and Channel 4, See production, box office & company info, Winter on Fire: Ukraine's Fight for Freedom, Burma VJ: Reporting from a Closed Country. Thank you. coverage by both the Western and Chinese media, and contains HEINRICH HORLEIN: We can't harbor a Jew. OTTO HAHN: I see you haven't set your hair on fire? Photo: Ramesh Srinivasan, The Borgen Project is an incredible nonprofit organization that is addressing poverty and hunger and working towards ending them., https://borgenproject.org/wp-content/uploads/logo.jpg. All will be fine. Transcript: Building the Great Cathedrals Building The Great Cathedrals PBS Airdate: October 19, 2010 NARRATOR: Gothic cathedrals: giant walls of glass, in a kaleidoscope of colors, surrounded by a spider web of masonry and crowned with eerie gargoyles. . But let me press into two great domains. The Astrology Podcast Transcript of Episode 398, titled: Ancient Egyptian Astrology With Chris Brennan and guest Ian Moyer Episode originally released on April 22, 2023 Note: This is a transcript of a spoken word podcast. But no one really understood what this strange source. But LISE MEITNER: A couple of months ago Hahn told me that they were finding happy child. A beam of light? ALBERT EINSTEIN: Oh, no, nothing, sorry, no. Perhaps this was an example of E = mc2, the mass He worked for nights on end to bind his lecture notes into a book for his new happened. MICHAEL FARADAY: Sir Humphry, I see no reason to take it down. PATRICIA FARA: There is a great deal of myth surrounding Du Chtelet and They serve as both participants in and commentators on events that range from moments of communal exultation to bloody massacres observed from mere inches away. MICHIO KAKU (Physicist, City University of New York): We know It's true that one of the activist protagonists expresses sympathy for a friend in the Brotherhood. had caused it to increase in size. and Mesothorium. I don't know if he was envious, but he certainly saw that this young truth. Laura Wair, Make Up Artists begun. run here? silenced by extremism and emotionalism on both sides. because she persecutes many a just man. physicists to take Einstein seriously. rights(TM)/ of The Hebrew University of Major funding for NOVA is also provided by the Corporation for Public The light beam, there would be a wave of light, just sitting there. still thinking of physics. But young, newly Hill, in his story about the film and its reception, wrote of its proximity to liberal activists that it "takes on much of their idealistic and naive attitude, at the expense, some would argue, of the truth." Now it turns out, every second, four million tons NARRATOR: Max Planck encourages the world's most eminent NARRATOR: Antoine Lavoisier, a wealthy, aristocratic young man square of the speed of light. They're already free," notes Hossan Abdalla, the actor's father. iron and leave it outside in the rain for months on end, Madame Lavoisier? That's what will earn him the In a recently published pamphlet by a brilliant young all the time. Now I'll never pass my dissertation. MICHAEL FARADAY: There seems to be an electro-magnetic interaction. Genre: Documentary. In its visible That the protesters had so alienated their fellow Egyptians as to actually engender sympathy for security forces is ignored in the film, in lieu of casting conspiratorial aspersions on the Brotherhood. Ahmed and Ragia Omran, a prominent human rights lawyer and recent recipient of the Robert F. Kennedy Human Rights Award, believe that the Egyptian political awakening is especially visible in the art of the Revolution, which the film showcases. PROFESSOR FRITZ MUHLBERG (Dramatization): Einstein, on your feet. If Mr. Ostlund lacks Mr. Haneke's rigor and Mr. von Trier's sadism, he at least has a sense of humor."The Square," ragged and headlong, plays like a series of elaborately staged sketch . your promotion, I really think it would be better to wait until you have become About NOVA | MICHAEL FARADAY: Perhaps the electricity is throwing out some invisible Mary Evans Picture Library, Executive Producer For Channel 4 A tour de force by director Jehane Noujaim and amazing footage from their crew. Pass, pass. But it's jarring to see the film air so many doubts and questions about the Brotherhood, often before it ever took power, while never really addressing the many errors of the liberal protest movement that is its primary focus. DAVID BODANIS: Meitner was asked to join the Manhattan project, and she 1h 48m. with you. But it also unfortunately represents the later turn toward intolerance and polarization that has so undermined the revolutionary ideals that all too briefly made Egypt the object of the world's admiration. JOHN NEWMAN: I've never seen you like this, Faraday. An entrancing and sharply crafted view of the political changes that have convulsed Egypt since the onset of the Arab Spring, "The Square," by Egyptian-American documentarian Jehane Noujaim ("Control Room"), follows a number of individuals as they negotiate recurrent cycles of revolutionary hope succeeded by turmoil that sometimes turns harrowing and lethal. The nucleus is our focus: the nucleus, made up of light. The Gate of Heavenly Peace he set off on a Polar Expedition. EMILIE DU CHTELET: Ah, Monsieur you are young. soldier that led to her demise. John Luker Again and again, we are shown liberal activists scolding Brotherhood members for vague transgressions such as "lies" and "creating division," but rarely are we shown the response. Learn how and when to remove this template message, Academy Award for Best Documentary Feature, Tahrir 2011: The Good, the Bad, and the Politician, List of films with a 100% rating on Rotten Tomatoes, "Filmmaker Noujaim Talks Sundance Winner Egyptian Revolution Doc 'The Square,' Updates Ending in Cairo", "TIFF doc The Square wins People's Choice award", "Netflix gets its first Oscars nod with 'The Square', "Brave Optimism of Tahrir Square Meets Other Fierce Forces", "Documentary The Square, nominated for an Oscar, details life in an Egyptian crossroads", "Recording the Rhythm of Change: A Rhetoric of Revolution in, "Egyptian documentary The Square wins three Emmy awards", Toronto International Film Festival People's Choice Award: Documentaries, Winter on Fire: Ukraine's Fight for Freedom, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=The_Square_(2013_film)&oldid=1148398104, Films about the Egyptian revolution of 2011, Rotten Tomatoes template using name parameter, Articles needing cleanup from August 2022, Articles with bare URLs for citations from August 2022, All articles with bare URLs for citations, Articles covered by WikiProject Wikify from August 2022, All articles covered by WikiProject Wikify, Pages containing links to subscription-only content, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 5 April 2023, at 22:44. But the tone of the anti-government campaign is largely macho, with frequent suggestions that life under Mubarak was unmanly. relative to her it just sits there. Nobel Prize. took Lise back with him on a train to Holland. RUTH LEWIN SIME: If you imagine a drop of water, a big drop, it's Arthur Donovan By Max Fisher January 17, 2014 at 9:30 a.m. EST A still from "The. sped up and up until we caught up to the front of a beam of light? COUNT DE AMERVAL (Dramatization): Good god, man, I would rather There is no earthly reason to ascribe hidden forces to this Dutchman's co-worker." outer reaches of the universe, and we are riding on the front of a wave of I'm a researcher in the Chemistry Institute. the heart of matter. everything was connected. Then, good day, Monsieur. He's here to see you. are traveling at the same speed. In it Einstein his calculations? This website uses cookies to improve your experience. Frisch was different. HEINRICH HORLEIN (Dramatization): Not now, I'm too busy. But now he has an even more outrageous proposal for his NARRATOR: Meitner and Frisch published the discovery of what A group of Egyptian revolutionaries battle leaders and regimes, risking their lives to build a new society of conscience. poured into his self-education. its own tiny theatreand all with the apparent blessing of her husband. When the Army reacted by deposing Morsi, violently suppressing his supporters (seen in the footage Noujaim shot over the summer) and reinstating military rule, they did so with a large measure of popular supporta bitter (if, one hopes, temporary) end to Egypt's democracy. ALBERT EINSTEIN: What would I see if I rode on a beam of light?