All rights reserved. However, other breads like baguettes can become stale more quickly. This way, you wont have any to throw away. First, the best way to make sure that your sourdough bread does not become stale bread, get signs of mold, or become forgotten about is to have a plan for that bread that you make. Think about your week ahead and determine if you are likely to eat the whole loaf of sourdough within 5-7 days. It takes a lot of time to make it, and not everybody has enough time to make a new loaf every day. But realistically speaking is not that much. Now, the only way Ive ever known a starter to die is when someone heated it up past 140F. Don't know. Avoid storing sourdough in a linen bag or brown paper bag after the first day as this will allow the bread to dry out too quickly. As soon as sourdough bread has gone bad, mold will start growing on top of it, and slowly making its way to the inside, so it can be quite hard to miss. You can boost shelf life by refrigerating or freezing it. To maximize the shelf life of bakery-bought sourdough bread, keep in original packaging and store at room temperature. Yes, you can freeze sourdough bread. The bread becomes hard, tough and unappealing as the starch molecules in the bread dry out and re crystalize. Sourdough sandwich bread will have a longer shelf life than traditional sourdough bread because it has added ingredients like sugar, butter or oil and milk. Sourdough can be stored in the freezer for a long time, as long as it's packaged correctly. Your email address will not be published. Our experts continually monitor the health and wellness space, and we update our articles when new information becomes available. And while it can lose some of its appeal at this point, toasting it will do more than make up for it. White flour, such as all-purpose or bread flour, typically has a use-by date between 9 to 15 months. Not as fresh but no mold after a month on the counter in a bag. It contains lactic and acetic acid bacteria which keeps it from molding faster. But when a sourdough goes bad, the smell changes completely, and its bad, really, really bad. This means that, after this time, the bread is no longer fresh, but its still safe to eat. This is gotten when the dough is in a sourdough culture i.e fermented dough using lactic acid and yeast. It's best to store bread in a cool, dry place. But it will also go stale faster. Room-temperature bread typically lasts 34 days if its homemade or up to 7 days if its store-bought. If you want to know more about me and the whole story behind this website, click on the button bellow. How Long Does Homemade Sourdough Bread Last? Whole loaves stay fresher for longer. 5 days, compared to other types of bread, is quite a lot. Simply slice the bread and cut it into finger-food sized pieces. Reheat it in the oven and enjoy it peacefully. Why Should You Throw Away Bread After The Sell By Date? Do potato buns go bad in the fridge, freezer, and at room temperature? If you live in a cooler, dry climate, the bread will keep for longer, sometimes up to ten days. Wheat flour can sit on the shelf up to six months if unopened. Pantry when stored properly up to 2.5 years. Sourdough bread crumbs can be added to meatballs. Here are 7 simple steps that you need to follow in order to freeze your sourdough bread without losing taste or texture: My favorite way of defrosting sourdough bread is to put it in the toaster for just a couple of minutes. I like to use my white flour within 12 months of the milling date (if it's listed). Yes, sourdough bread can be frozen. But will this work? Simply blend them in a food processor, until theyve reached the perfect crumbled consistency. To maximize the shelf-life, keep it in its original packaging or wrap it in foil and store it in a cool, dry place at room temperature. Here are some of the best methods to make your sourdough loaves last that bit longer (they will work for most artisan bread): Yes sourdough bread should always be stored at room temperatures and never in the fridge. For sourdough, it can be stored in the fridge inside a dish. Sourdough bread will last for around 3 to 5 days if wrapped and stored correctly. On the other hand, dried bread products, such as breadcrumbs or crackers, usually stay safe the longest because mold needs moisture to grow. Required fields are marked *, $MMT = window.$MMT || {}; $MMT.cmd = $MMT.cmd || [];$MMT.cmd.push(function(){ $MMT.display.slots.push(["bc5febc8-d5ba-46ec-b724-5169318de459"]); }), $MMT = window.$MMT || {}; $MMT.cmd = $MMT.cmd || [];$MMT.cmd.push(function(){ $MMT.display.slots.push(["c12fb0da-b0c9-4646-99ff-3ab1d62ba6f8"]); }), $MMT = window.$MMT || {}; $MMT.cmd = $MMT.cmd || [];$MMT.cmd.push(function(){ $MMT.display.slots.push(["1a65b16e-9dd2-417c-b8f4-8ce3a5107863"]); }). If the bread is just beginning to go stale it would make an excellent crostini. On average, bread stays fresh for about three weeks. Of all food, bread is perhaps the most perishable. A crispy crust is derived from a rigid and thin crust. Sourdough bread will last 5-6 days before it goes too stale. As we mentioned before, there are a few chemical reactions which are taking place which leads the bread to deteriorate. Luck? Sourdoughs natural acidity discourages bacteria, allowing it to last longer than other bread. If you want to bake sourdough for an event or gathering the next day, keep the loaf whole until right before the event, don't cut into it (even if you're tempted to check the crumb). Properly stored, sourdough bread will last for about 4 to 5 days at normal room temperature. Before I bought a cooling rack I used to put two cups upside down on the table and place the loaf on top of them. Which is not ideal. All of them are very simple to make and taste incredible. We get the most use out of our bread between 2 to 3 days after making it. Comment * document.getElementById("comment").setAttribute("id","a7f8908cf6e63643d404c6b42f61ad09");document.getElementById("f4bcf0ddf8").setAttribute("id","comment"); Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. This might surprise you but keeping sourdough bread in the freezer will make it last longer and it will keep its taste and texture. So basically the cooling rack doesnt make the bread cool down faster, it actually removes obstacles that make it cool down slower. How long does a loaf of sourdough bread last in the freezer? What to do with bread once you notice mold on it is a common household dilemma. Sourdough bread lasts longer than other types of bread because it has a higher acidity level and extra microbes. The answer is yes! Fermented dough helps to improve the quality of the finished product. My bread baking story began in 2011 when I decided to give up commercial yeast. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Yes, to freeze: (1) Slice bread or leave loaf whole; (2) Wrap tightly with aluminum foil or plastic freezer wrap, or place in heavy-duty freezer bag and freeze. So, if you dont notice any bad smell coming from the sourdough, and you cant see any signs of mold, then your sourdough is still good. Its important to make sure that you dont eat the bread after the sell by date. Now, the only way Ive ever known a starter to die is when someone heated it up past 140F. To maximize the shelf life of packaged raisin bread, keep tightly closed in original packaging and store at room temperature. This is a sign of staleness, it gets hard from the crumb and gradually dries out. This typically depends on the type of bread. Pizza is one of the most popular foods in the world, with countless variations of toppings and crusts to choose from. A week after the first week, the yeast will be fully active again and the bread will begin to go stale. The exterior is crispy, the interior soft, and it will have the specific taste and smell of a freshly baked loaf. Sourdough bread can last for up to four months in the freezer. Ensure your bread is completely cool before freezing. Steam also affects crust formation. Although, since there are no molds yet, you can revive it by toasting it to make it edible and pleasant. Start by soaking slices in milk for 15 minutes then drain them thoroughly before mixing together with sugar and spices. Copyright 2023 The Pantry Mama 2023 - All Rights Reserved, 5 Ways To Strengthen A Sourdough Starter: Give Your Starter A Boost, Sourdough Discard Crackers Recipe with Parmesan + Rosemary, Easy Sourdough Discard Sandwich Bread Recipe, Sourdough English Muffins {with a discard version too}. Once the bread reaches this stage you can also grind it up in a food processor or blender until its a bread crumb consistency. Properly stored, packaged raisin bread will last for about 5 to 7 days at normal room . How to tell if sourdough bread is bad or spoiled? What is the best flour to feed a starter with? Or if you want you can leave it in the toaster for a few more minutes and toast it. Once your sourdough loaf has been sliced, it will stale more quickly since there will be more surface area exposed to the air than if it was left as an entire loaf. Required fields are marked, Name * * * * * * * * * * * * *, Email * * * * * * * * * * * * *. Pretty much anything else you could do to a starter will not kill it. Iron 6%. This ratio corresponds to 20% ripe starter carryover, 100% water, and 100% flour (a mix of whole grain rye and white flour) at each feeding. But its best to keep your bread far away from the refrigerator, as this will help your bread dry out faster. However, sourdough starters can be stored in the refrigerator. Sourdough bread is a magical loaf, that tastes impeccable. We recommend starting with 4 ounces all-purpose flour (3/4 cup plus 2 tablespoons) and 4 ounces water (1/2 cup). Freezing sourdough can make it last for 2 to 3 months or more, it can stay longer but only at the expense of the flavor because the flavor will diminish. Add some olive oil to your dough because the fat increases the softness and shelf life of the baked bread. Maintaining a sourdough starter is not an easy job, as you have to feed it and discard it daily. How Long Can Sourdough Bread Last? The temperature of the bread can also affect the shelf life. Gluten-free bread is more susceptible to mold due to its higher moisture content and limited use of preservatives. Store-bought sourdough will often contain preservatives that prohibit mold and keep the loaf softer for longer than homemade sourdough. When properly stored, be sure to enjoy sourdough bread till the last piece. Ingredients in sourdough bread are flour, water, sourdough, and salt, sometimes sugar. The interesting thing to note is the that staling process begins as soon as the sourdough bread is removed from the oven. According to sell by dates, bread is good for three to five days after opening, but it can actually be consumed much longer after that as long as there is no mold growth. Three reasons why you should try making these fluffy sourdough doughnuts! link to Storing Sourdough Starter in the Fridge - Beginners Guide, How Long Should I Let My Sourdough Bread Rest? Then place the loaf directly on to an oven rack at 325 F for around 10-15 minutes (or until golden brown). Best Flour for Sourdough Pizza: Is Tipo 00 Really Needed? Sourdough bread does not mold as quickly as regular bread because of the lactic acid bacteria it contains however due to it's lack of preservatives, sourdough will not stay as soft and fresh as regular store bought bread. Just long enough to wet the outside. To maximize the shelf life of homemade sourdough bread, cool thoroughly before storing and place in plastic storage bag or breadbox, or wrap in foil and store at room temperature. If you store it properly, sourdough bread can last 4 to 5 days at room temperature because of the benefit of the longer shell-life attached to it. You can leave sourdough containing dairy on the counter to ferment overnight with no issues. "Bread can last around five to seven days past its expiry date," says Megan Wong, RD, a registered dietitian working with AlgaeCal. This depends on whether it's true sourdough bread made with wild yeast or whether it's commercially yeasted bread that's just had 'sourdough flavor' added. I believe that anyone can cook a delicious meal, no matter their skill level. All you need do is refresh or revive it by using either the oven method or the microwave method. This may be due to mishandling, or it may be due to natural decay. In the fridge, it will keep for about a week or so, and in the freezer it will last indefinitely. This can mean that sourdough bread with commercial yeast added will mold faster than true sourdough bread. When buying sourdough bread from the bakery the same rules apply. French toast works well with any type of bread that has gotten a little dry from being left out for too long. Mold usually appears 5 to 7 days on homemade sourdough when stored at room temperature. When wrapped or bagged and frozen properly, sourdough will easily last for 3 months or longer. Then, put it on high for 10 seconds. Moldy sourdough bread needs to be placed into the trash and not consumed under any circumstances. It will take another 1-6 days before it goes moldy. Just like when your sourdough starter goes moldy, mold on sourdough bread is green or white and fuzzy in nature. Mold tends to grow a little further than is visible to the human eye so be sure to remove an area three-times the size of the visible mold. This article tells you how. Season to your liking then bake at 350 F for 10 minutes or until golden brown. Store the sourdough properly. If you want to reduce food waste, you may be wondering how to avoid discarding old bread. Its available in a wide variety of sizes and shapes, and it works well for making a wide variety of different types of meals. On average sourdough bread will last between 3 and 5 days. To thaw your bread, simply set the loaf on the counter and it should thaw in less than 24 hours. How long does sourdough bread last in the fridge? Follow the same method to make croutons! Unwrapped or loosely wrapped in a thin towel. If youre wondering how to extend the shelf life of sourdough bread, so that it can last a lot longer, then keep reading! Days 3 to 5 - sourdough is edible only after reheating or toasting. After that, you might notice the bread's texture changes a bit as it begins to dry out. Bread can also become stale more slowly if its stored for a longer time. This rest, known as an autolyse, allows the flour . While a thick and flexible crust will result in a yummy to the chewy crust. White flour containing preservatives can last as long as a year if the container is unopened. We also have to clarify whether "regular" bread is homemade yeasted bread or commercial store bought bread that has added improvers and preservatives. At room temperature (70 F), sourdough discard should last about 1-2 days. Place the loaf in a bread pan or baking sheet lined with greased plastic wrap or wax paper to prevent sticking, which also allows the dough to hold its shape when frozen. Lost freshly baked aroma. Then, wrap the bread tightly in foil or with plastic freezer wrap and store in the freezer. I think this is the hardest part of explaining the differences between sourdough and regular bread. Notably, most homemade breads dont contain preservatives and may use perishable ingredients like eggs and milk. They can then be frozen to be thawed and used at a later date. Look out for it rather than inhaling it because mold spores may be offensive and dangerous. sourdough bread can go bad if you do not store it properly in the right conditions necessary. How Long Does Sourdough Bread Last In The Freezer? It's longer fermentation process gives it natural preservatives. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Copyright 2023 Robust Kitchen, all rights reserved. There is no single best ratio, but I've found a ratio of 1:5:5 fed twice daily at 12-hour intervals to produce a sourdough starter that's strong and healthy. The reason sourdough bread doesn't mold as fast is the presence of acetic acid. And if youre not going to get through your loaf, heres how to freeze and thaw bread. Usually 7 Days, But, Few things are more disheartening than discovering that the crusty loaf of sourdough. I do not recommend storing your sourdough bread in the fridge. Can You Freeze Sourdough Bread? How To Keep Sourdough Bread Fresh. Ive made several thousand loaves of sourdough in the past few years. You'll find a full guide to freezing sourdough bread here. Placed in a good airtight container, and stored in the fridge. Feed the starter with flour and water, then leave it at room temperature for 3-4 hours before storing it in the refrigerator till whenever it is needed. Bread that has gone stale can be frozen or dried. However, freezing does not preserve the texture and flavor of the bread.