including your religion. document.write (document.charset ? We had switched churches by this time to a non denominational one with *gasp* a worship band! That firm was Gibbs & Associates, founded by David Gibbs Jr. of the Christian Law Association. I remember a man of 40 chuckling and asking me as a 12-year-old victim waiting for the court date of my abuser, Did you hold your dress for him while he did it?. And I have never thought more clearly and rationally in my life. So often, predators and abusive behavior by men in the independent fundamental Baptist world are firmly swept under the rug labeled the cause of Christ, forgive and forget, and she tempted him, and never see the light of day. I have enjoyed this site so far and am so very glad I stumbled upon it. What do you do for a living?, Having a journalist at the Sunday service made Chatfield uncomfortable, he said. His IFB church, Ann Arbor Baptist, focused on the importance of the Umbrella, he said. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. The anxiety of NOT going was somehow worse. I look forward to learning more from you all and not feeling so very alone in all this. No comments on this item That should make me an independent fundamental Baptist, but it doesn't. Unfortunately, the. If you have conservative homeschooling friends who talk about Michelle doing the same, then youve probably heard of the fundamentalist curriculum the Duggars used called Advance Training Institute. It is easy to miss Chatfields out-of-the-way church on Burt Lake, though visitors are still enthusiastically welcomed, including a City Pulse staffer. Christine Pelisek Updated August 28, 2015 09:20 P. M. (n.d.). Again after more reading, connecting with a counselor that has been showing me a different path, and finally acknowledging that I was happier without god and Christianity in my life, a few weeks back I stopped going to church and the past week and a half have declared myself an atheist. Because of their reality TV show, the Duggars and their particular brand of Christianity made its way into the homes of Americans, both fans and critics alike. Yes. Skwarczynski heard sermons and teachings about rape. He was very sweet and nice to me and in desperation to get away from my stifling household and overbearing parents; I rushed into marriage with him. You've been through a lot. Its a theological landscape that leaves the vulnerable children, women and LGBTQ folks at the mercy of a strict Old Testament theology that is backed with commands to still their rebellious souls, even if it requires a paddling that leaves bruises or welts on their behinds. Jim Bob Duggar formerly served in the Arkansas House of Representatives and announced recently that he is running for Arkansas State Senate in the 7th District. By the mid-1970s SBC fundamentalists were rejecting the fundamentalist label completely, arguing it was no . Lydia Joy Laundervilleis a freelance writer in Ivor, Va., who covers an array of topics, including health and lifestyle, with a special focus on religious abuse and trauma recovery. "God" is a projection of mankind's basic fear of being alone and his fear of the unknown, and of course the fear of death. First, they create a problem that doesn't exist, then they offer a fake solution to the problem that doesn't exist. ), and stopped praying over our food. I honestly feel i am done having children and the comments i have gotten from family are horrid. control over you terminated (1) when you reached adulthood and (2)became financially independent. There are a lot of us here who are unequally yoked, so you're in great company. Former independent fundamental baptist church members what was the craziest thing you heard was a sin did you do it before and after. I was studying the "conquest narratives" of the Old Testament in Seminary and gradually began to realize that my idea of morality was more moral than Yahweh's morality. if( width > 480 ){ It was this idea that the control of the children is the church and parents responsibility. And the ability to. Retrieved December 10, 2021, from Women were pretty much only good for making babies to keep your quiver full and for cooking/cleaning/housework etc. I don't know your parents and siblings, of course, but their willingness to ostracize you seems to be a wholly religious thing. if( width > 480 ){ How come many Americans haven't heard of the Independent Fundamental Baptist church movement? I kept hearing in church over and over again that being a Christian was joyful; not being a Christian was well, not. I would love if they came. [1] The origins of the Independent Baptist movement are sketchy. Im sure if I ever come out to them about being an atheist they will immediately freak out and cut me off forever. I did know about them, though, because I thought they were trying to make a profit off the very things we preached, while the rest of us independent fundamental Baptists were truly following God. I was judgey from afar and annoyed that they would be praised for doing what I and so many other people did live the life of a fundamentalist Christian. Men are given a free pass to abuse or mistreat women, and women are said to be responsible for it occurring in the first place. Fathers pray about matches, then discuss it among themselves. You can't control them any more than they can control you. Details have emerged about the faith-based counseling Josh Duggar received after molesting Five girls. If you ever have confusingly come across strangers street preaching, separating themselves from the rest of the Christian world, dressing a bit odd, and having strict rules for their churches and their families, then youve likely met an independent fundamental Baptist, a follower of the movement the Duggar family belongs to. Your extimony was well written. They thought by raising their children in the church they were doing the most honorable thing. Lo, children are an heritage of the LORD: As arrows are in the hand of a mighty man; Happy is the man that hath his quiver full of them: but they shall speak with the enemies in the gate. Two days later, Rusty Chatfield appeared in the gym and summoned his son. Pearl responded: Its supposed to. Pearl also said the physically abusive training for kids should begin as early as 9 months. She can't be." Danthropology. Very disturbing. Male authority is an essential tool in IFB teachings. "A Course of Love" with Lucille Olson- 7 p.m. Zoom ID: 177 417 886. If the couple agrees that God wants a marriage, it is done quickly. They then enforce the teachings of submission to women. Then Arkansas state Rep. Jim Bob Duggar and his wife, Michelle, lead 12 of their 13 children to a polling place in Springdale, Ark., on Tuesday, May 21, 2002. She mentioned it to other members of the church. Having only been raised in those and informed if we ever went to a different church then God would strike us dead, we attended the same even after marriage, despite all the anxiety it caused. In one memo that Skwarczynski reported on his podcast, a minister encouraged students to pray about Gods intent (and seek parental input) before engaging in exotic relationships. You served the church, its pastor, your parents, your husband . It is self-empowering for the churchmen and self-destroying for the victim. Its a strict reading of the Bible that places women in servitude people to be seen but not heard. The suffering of so many little girls is hidden in the independent fundamental Baptist movement. When she was born she was perfect. General "Original sin" is a clever way of getting you hooked for life on church mind control. And while it was certainly better then the IFB churches I had attended growing up, something about it still didnt set right with me. Independent Baptist churches (some also called Independent Fundamental Baptist or IFB) are Christian congregations, generally holding to conservative . If so, who or what? I appreciated reading your extimony - though didn't appreciate the ostracism and neglect you experienced. This image was widely distributed on Twitter following City Pulses report Chatfield was under criminal investigation for alleged sex abuse. From the time I was young, I remember we always had to wear skirts, keep our hair long (well the girls at least), were constantly reminded to dress and act modestly so we didnt tempt men into sin, and were taught to keep silent in the church. It makes no sense now. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. A former Baptist missionary has been found guilty of sexually abusing a 4-year-old, who tested positive for gonorrhea last April Jordan Webb, affiliated with an Independent Fundamental Baptist church, could face up to 32 years in prison at his sentencing. That sealed the deal that "original sin" couldn't exist and as such what else was wrong that I had been taught was true? I had to look up "quiverfull." Some of these factors include that once Josh told his parents about sexually abusing his sisters and another victim, Jim Bob and Michelle went to seek the counsel of their church leaders, but only after this occurred three times. and our if (!document.MAX_used) document.MAX_used = ','; Its normal behavior for a child to have, but to them they feel like you need to break a child of that rebellious spirit.. Gothard was known for his controversial counseling sessions for childhood sexual abuse victims. But do I think wailing on a kid in the office with a ping pong paddle is raising a kid? document.write ("&loc=" + escape(window.location)); The co-founder, Paul Kingsbury, recently was forced to leave his position at North Love Baptist Church in Rockford, Ill., for his role in helping a sex offender avoid prosecution by supporting him overseas as a missionary. They practice the biblical teachings of separation as taught in Ephesians 5:11, which states, "Have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them." The environment that I and other independent fundamental Baptist children were brought up in, I believe, played a part in making boys into monsters. In the independent fundamental Baptist community, pastors are the ultimate authority and council: "Any issues, even legal issues, go to the pastor first, not the police. One of the children called the pastor begging for help, Woodbury said. And catholics, well, we were all going to hell anyhow. CBS News. When the child didnt stop, Pearl directed him to pull over and get a switch from a tree. } My blog has moved. Each week, Rusty Chatfield, the father of former House Speaker Lee Chatfield, stands at the pulpit behind a humble wooden cross no flashy jewelry and gold; only a Bible and a few pages of notes guide him through a sermon. He is pastor of Faithful Word Baptist Churchin Tempe, Arizona. Barely Anyone Reads the Bible in Germany. Retrieved December 10, 2021, from Its hard to find the time to sit and type a huge intro when you have a very busy toddler needing your attention. In fact having a child is what started me really opening my eyes. No matter what she does I would never treat her that way. In fact having a child is what started me really opening my eyes. Woodbury said he was spanked using a wooden dowel as a child. Courtesy 01 May 2023 19:52:34 var width = jQuery(window).width(); The sheer number of children the women have has got to be bad for their health, for starters. 292 likes. Child physical abuse also known as godly discipline is common within independent fundamental Baptist homes. but the origin is believed to be local congregations who left the conservative Southern Baptist Convention and the slightly more moderate American Baptist . Hyles-Anderson College ( HAC) is an private independent Baptist college in unincorporated Crown Point, Lake County, Indiana. I was miserable, scared, alone, and hungry. Being raised pentecostal myself, I understand the shunning part of the independent baptist denomination and what it does to families. KJV. They married when both were 19. The psychologist said that he believes with little doubt that my crazy religious upbringing caused the PTSD and that while I probably had a propensity for bipolar already that my parents unbringing pulled the trigger. (Attempts to independently verify Woodburys claims were unsuccessful.). This is a world most can't imagine - really. Fundamental Independent Baptists churches will remain separate from unsound churches, as well as other Baptists groups who join in with the unscriptural churches. Bill Gothard cleared of criminal activity but chastised for lack of discretion after sexual harassment claims. Once those to things have occurred the you have the ability to terminate their manipulation and. If you dont really fit in, youll be kind of kicked outside; or, even, people have left the church and the school because they just didnt agree with their rules and guidelines.. Rusty Chatfield among others quickly welcomed the lone visitor with a smile and a handshake. It naturally followed from there that I started looking into other ways to raise a child that didn't involve fear, intimidation, hitting, or telling her God was going to come down and strike her dead or send her to hell. '':''); On the bright side, he has given me my daughter who is my life and joy and I wouldnt trade her for anything in this world. Birding, Bird photography, art, reading, keeping my small zoo of salamanders, reptiles, and plants; and cultivating a good heart. ), "cult". I am not in the least surprised by the PTSD, because I have it to an extent. And youll certainly get a sermon.. My body doesnt respond well to pregnancy and I and my child almost died in childbirth. The priesthood of believers. I must assume that their church experiences had been mostly positive their entire lives, and so it made sense to them to share this "blessing" with their children. We hope you will! No charges were filed against Josh for molesting children. It is taught from a young age that you, as a woman, as a girl, should dress modestly. Lol He was a decent guy who while not believing exactly what my parents believed was at least a Christian and passed that test so was okay for me to see. My point, though, is for you to use your timing. Parents of adults primarily use religion and/or money as ways of controlling and, manipulating their adult children. It was all addressed in a way to somehow place her at the center and the cause, Emily said in a phone interview. You were born depraved, so it goes, but Thank God you have churchmen there to help you with the cure: the Bible, p, Bill, I wrote them a letter in November telling them in no uncertain terms would I let them run my life anymore and I was done being scared of what they thought or would do. Dellatto, M. (2021, July 11). The 30 . If youve heard a young woman share her story of abuse and a church that shamed her for it or failed to protect her as a child, you very well could have heard from a former independent fundamental Baptist who has left the movement and is trying to recover from the harm they experienced. I quoted Blood's quote of Ps. Rusty Chatfield, father of former House Speaker Lee Chatfield, speaks to a Sunday morning congregation at Northern Michigan Baptist Bible Church. Ten months into his tenure as the fourth executive director of the , This weekend offers a plethora of nature- and space-themed activities and events to learn more about the , WEDNESDAY, April 26 NASA astronaut and Space Station commander Terry Virts is a thumbs-up, can-do , As Michigan State University wraps up its school year, the College of Musics large ensembles are , Friday evening (April 28), as part of National Library Week, the East Lansing Public Library will hold , Think you have what it takes to out-spell other high schoolers in the area? Independent Fundamental Baptist or Bible-Believing Baptist) are a particularly cranky fundamentalist branch of unaffiliated Baptists. Your parents are a product of a certain time and place. Glad you stumbled upon Ex-C and hope you enjoy your time here. Although, if Westboro is any indication, I might have guessed. My abuse was known, but I was hidden. (517) 999-5065. In other churches, pastors are the head of the church and a direct conduit to God. Women, on the other hand, are taught if something happens to you, its your fault, Skwarcyznski said. As you poke around on here and elsewhere, you'll see more of how the "logic" side of your decision is well founded. hahaha. Bruce pastored Evangelical churches for twenty-five years in Ohio, Texas, and Michigan. As a former member and follower of the independent fundamental Baptist movement, I and other survivors have jokingly (and not so jokingly) referred to the CLA as the "IFB mob" due to their history of defending abusers and coming to the aid of abusive churches under criminal investigation. Steven Lee Anderson(born July 24, 1981) is an American preacher and founder of the New Independent Fundamentalist Baptistmovement. That authority was my Mom and about that she was 100% correct. Listen to the testimony of a person who. Former Independent Fundamental Baptists - IFB KJV Join group About this group A group for those who have formally been associated with the Independent Fundamental Baptist movement, IFB. document.write ('&cb=' + m3_r); I suppose they would call it "tough love" or some such. That opened the flood gates to other information. David Gibbs Jr, like Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar, has been a regular speaker at IBLPs conferences. My husband worked 12-14 hour days and was gone M-F. terminate the parental control is yours to use. Former IFB Missionary. Caitlin, C. (2021, December 9). . They dont do drinking, said Eric Skwarczynsk, the host of the Preacher Boys podcast, which is dedicated to uncovering mental, physical, sexual and emotional abuses in the IFB church movement, often through the direct stories of its survivors. Somehow, I made my hands call a loved one to tell them to hurry up and turn on the TV because, our story is on., I remember sitting in silent shock. We had lived in this town previously and so went back to the same church. I believe this kind of idea is also what led to my acceptance of the reality of "biblegod's" non-existence. I missed the birth of my niece and several other big family events during this time, which hurt a lot. We were not allowed to date at all. Independent Fundamental Baptists (IFB) is a loosely-affiliated, cultish denomination of Christian fundamentalists. The duo have published four books and volumes of articles on the topic, starting with their 1994 book, To Train Up a Child. It was updated and republished in 2015. When she brought allegations to church officials, as well as law enforcement, she was encouraged not to discuss it publicly, she said. Pastor Jim Vineyard was an expert in the tactic. He was repeatedly struck with a wooden paddle so hard that his buttocks were bruised, she said. Its hard to find the time to sit and type a huge intro when you have a very busy toddler needing your attention. 127 because it struck me now - though it didn't when I was a Christian - that the psalm talks about children from the point of view of what power or prestige they confer on the parent. I was disappointed. When asked to define spanking, Chatfield told the newspapers editorial board it was normally a swat on the behind. He also said he thinks spanking is good if a child, at a young age, is misbehaving. His church requires written approval from a parent or guardian to administer spankings during school hours. You were born depraved, so it goes, but Thank God you have churchmen there to help you with the cure: the Bible, properly decoded. Emily, who is using an alias to discuss what she described as the brutal sexual assault of her young daughter, was a teacher at a school attached to another rural northern Michigan IFB church. Privacy Policy. var m3_r = Math.floor(Math.random()*99999999999); Talking Points Memo. She is a jezebel. According to the Pew Forum on Religious and Public Life, there are. We are here to support all questioning or former Christians and encourage you wherever your path may take you. IFB churches believe that no one has authority over the church except Jesus Christ. Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar proudly endorsed Lee Chatfield for State Representative in 2014. Even after lifting the ban, the university still required parental permission for interracial relationships. My husband is still a Christian and as of now I havent really approached the subject with him as its still so new to me that I dont feel that I have enough education yet to help him understand why and give him the logical reasons why god isnt real. Scan this QR code to download the app now. They then sent Josh to a faith training center located in Little Rock, Ark., that belonged to an independent fundamental Baptist organization called the Institute in Basic Life Principles created by Bill Gothard. Cookie Notice I went through several guys that ended up being jerks (one was severely abusive and knocked me around a bit. Read More. Lo, children are an heritage of the LORD:and the fruit of the womb is his reward.As arrows are in the hand of a mighty man;so are children of the youth.Happy is the man that hath his quiver full of them:they shall not be ashamed,but they shall speak with the enemies in the gate. Note: This page was developed from Atheism Wiki's page: The New IFB (a.k.a. Please log in to comment by clicking here, MONDAY, May 1 Hes bringing down the Ax (Emanuel Ax), bringing out the Blow (Kurtis Blow) and pulling out the stops. console.log("Calling zone: " + zoneId); Aaron Chatfield has hired East Lansing attorney Mike Nichols to represent him. document.write ("'><\/scr"+"ipt>"); Didymus, J. T. (2021, February 17). Independent Fundamental Churches, for those who dont know, is a very extremist form of Christianity. Chatfields church was created in 1987. Nature, Gaia, but still not sure they're gods. I have been working on this testimony for a bit now. I am a former Independent Fundamental Baptist (IFB), who now embraces Reformed Theology. No, I never am surprised by the Josh Duggars of the world because as a former independent fundamental Baptist, I survived them. Independent Fundamental Baptist (IFB) Deception - Exposing the Dangerous Teachings of the Independent Fundamental Baptist (IFB) Denomination Welcome to Edit Exposing the Dangerous Teachings and Traditions of the Independent Fundamental Baptist Denomination Please scroll down to find a list of articles for your convenience. Some might have a council of deacons who work at the direction of the pastor. If you are a fan of shows where large quiverfull families have strict courting rules for their children and purity culture is promoted, then youre likely familiar with TLCs 19 Kids and Counting.