transport network, money from farming, power supplies, communications b. demand Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger. 5) Maturity stage Maturity - Perfection? By using JIT, the car manufacturer can respond more quickly to changes in demand and adjust its production levels accordingly. The development level of a country can be shown using development indicators, income labels or the development continuum. activities that directly extract materials from the Earth. An example of how it can be used to manipulate political outcomes is the drawing of congressional districts in the United States, where the boundaries of districts are often manipulated to create safe seats for one party or the other. Sign up to highlight and take notes. Newly Industrialised Countries (NICs) are countries which are becoming more industrialised, moving away from agricultural production toward manufacturing industries. A contemporary pull factor for migration is the availability of job opportunities in a particular country. Most workers are in tertiary. Create flashcards in notes completely automatically. F) Explain the concept of environmental justice and describe one example of an environmental justice issue related to resource distribution. Review Session #1: AP Human Geography. G) Explain the concept of a sustainable city and identify two features of a city that would make it more sustainable. Ecotourism activities often involve nature-based experiences, such as wildlife viewing, birdwatching, hiking, and camping. Uneven development can result in differences in wealth, and access to healthcare. It can provide opportunities to challenge oneself and to appreciate the natural beauty and adventure of different regions. In the United States, for example, Silicon Valley in CALIFORNIA is a core area where high-technology businesses are clustered. This describes the way that people become stuck in a vicious cycle of being poor. Go ahead and read the Changing economic world explanation to understand more about the different types of development indicators and how they are used. Raw materials are often made into more expensive goods or products in HICs, therefore boosting these economies instead, whilst LICs have to import these expensive goods, so economic growth remains low. 2. Pull factors are the reasons why another country may be more attractive. 3) Control stage - Management now gains control over the technology's resources by implementing formal control processes and standards that stifle almost all new projects. AP Human Geography - 1 Name_____ Rubenstein's The Cultural Landscape Chapter 1: Thinking Geographically Introduction to Note Packets Reading the textbook and taking notes while reading are NECESSARY steps in processing and . In this unit, you will examine how supply and demand affect how a country can improve standards of living and how different economic systems can help citizens of a country gain more or less equality. Economic causes include the cycle of poverty and global trading systems. - The data handled by the new technology are recognized as important resource and so efforts are made to manage the data Transnational Corporations (TNCs) are large and powerful companies that are spread all around the world. Here are some examples of border clashes between nations of the core and the periphery: The growing fence between the U.S. (core) and Mexico (periphery) to prevent the entrance of unauthorized immigrants. The Trans Atlantic slave trade caused uneven development as the African continent was bled of its human resources. I. StudySmarter is commited to creating, free, high quality explainations, opening education to all. refers to the level fo wealth, comfrot, mateial goods, and necessities available to a certain socioeconomic class or geographic area. %%EOF For example, the growing demand for electronic devices has increased the demand for minerals such as coltan, leading to increased mining in certain African countries. examples - uneven development - AP Human Geography - 9 Name_____ Connections: Diffusion Assimilation Acculturation . Example: The productivity of a certain car, five steps through which all countries must pass to become developed. (B) Explain the difference between a nation and a state. Of these countries, only Vietnam does not qualify as a country in the semi-periphery. It is considered to be in the periphery due to its low standard of living. The Sun Belt has historically been an attractive destination for migrants and retirees, and has also attracted businesses due to its lower labor and land costs. (G) For a multinational state facing the realities of devolution, explain why a government would choose to create an autonomous region or choose to maintain a unitary state. These can also be used to compare countries with each other. The effects of suburbanization are declining central city use, uneven development, declining park space, and pollution as suburban and urban sprawl both continue. Cultural and historical sites: These are sites that are significant for their cultural, historical, or archeological value and can provide opportunities for ecotourism activities such as heritage tours and cultural experiences. secondary and tertiary economic activities, primary and secondary economic activities. B) Describe two social consequences of urbanization, providing an example of each. It ultimately undermined local economies and political stability as villages' vital labour was shipped overseas preventing an agricultural revolution. One example of a policy designed to promote sustainable development in the face of population growth is the implementation of renewable energy sources, such as wind or solar power, which can. It is the transfer of products and goods between countries. Hydroelectric energy: This type of energy is generated using the movement of water to turn turbines and generate electricity. Environmental determinists believe that ecological, climatic, and geographical factors alone are responsible for human cultures and individual decisions . The portion of the economy concerned with the direct extraction of materials from Earth's surface, generally through agriculture, although sometimes by mining, fishing, and forestry. (F) Explain the concept of linguistic imperialism and describe one example of its impact on language diversity. Examples include the Maasai Mara in Kenya, the Amazon rainforest in South America, and the Borneo rainforest in Malaysia. E) Analyze the relationship between migration and political issues such as nationalism, citizenship, and border control. Lack of investment By the MDCs continues to keep these countries in poverty It is important to note that these inequalities don't just appear at a global scale, but can be seen at a national scale within countries. In this model, a customer can design a product using computer-aided design software and then send the design to a 3D printer, which will produce the product on demand. c. microeconomics Most of the people in wealthy countries are employed in __________. (B) Describe two historical or contemporary factors that have influenced language distribution and diversity. How close is the ttt-value to the corresponding zzz-value (at the bottom of the column for d.f. Causes and consequences of uneven development The world has developed very differently across regions and by continent. Development gaps also exist within countries (uneven development) between rich and poor. No points are deducted for wrong or blank answers on the exam. Most fossil fuels, such as oil, natural gas and coal are considered nonrenewable resources in that their use is not sustainable because their formation takes billions of years. 488 0 obj <>stream 5) Age of mass consumption - People have more wealth and so buy services and goods (consumer society), welfare systems are fully developed, trade expands, 1). It is a frontier that is not formally part of a state, but the United Kingdom claims the area. Neocolonialism is a term used to describe the continuing economic and political control of a country by a more powerful outside force, even after the formal end of colonialism. AP Human Geography Help Industrialization & Economic Development Contemporary Patterns of Industrialization & Development Uneven Levels of Development Example Question #1 : Uneven Levels Of Development The Core-Periphery Model is used by geographers to describe ___________. True or false: tourism brings only positive factors to Tunisia. 2 - Antilia tower in Mumbai, the second most expensive house in the world. the number of live births per thousand of population per year. Answer: Globalization has had a significant impact on state sovereignty by promoting greater economic and political interdependence among states. Can teach locals new skills. This reduces the number of educated people in the home country. 2). Answer: Language can be used to promote cultural identity and unity by serving as a means of communication and connection among members of a particular culture or community. the division of the world into major economic centers, centers of manufacturing, and extremely poor communities. 438 0 obj <> endobj Achieve universal primary education. Economic gains can then vary, and economic growth is therefore relatively unreliable. All Ive done is prompted ChatGPT as described above, and then with what ChatGPT returned, produced this post. Example: Help keep trade between Mexico and the US. Other modes of transport for trade are often more expensive, wait times are longer, and the country becomes reliant on other countries with access to the sea. This can occur due to the availability of natural resources, transportation infrastructure, and access to markets. They have significant economic power and influence and are often accused of exploiting developing countries and undermining local businesses and cultures. The spatial grouping of people or activities for mutual benefit. how the standard of living differs between rich (HIC) and poor (LIC) countries. Answer: Two environmental consequences of urbanization are increased air pollution and loss of biodiversity. It is physically separate from the rest of the United Kingdom, a multinational state. Migration is a process that has significant cultural, social, economic, and political implications for both migrants and the communities they leave and join. Listen to the first 1 minute of the video below. The back-wash effect can be best described as __________. Traditional economy: A traditional economy is one that is based on customs, traditions, and the way of life that has been followed for generations. B) Explain two social or cultural consequences of migration, providing an example of each. Factors that contribute to boundary disputes include historical claims to territory, competing territorial interests, and differing interpretations of boundary lines. Extract resources. To be truly sustainable, ecotourism must be carefully planned and managed to ensure that the negative impacts on the environment and local communities are minimized. Core areas. Higher infant mortality rates occur in LICs due to poor sanitation, lack of clean water, and also poor nutrition, caused by the Impacts of Food Insecurity. Standard of living is the amount of wealth or goods that people have. Due to the nature of the global economy the wealthiest countries can rely on the poorest countries to provide the bulk of their primary economic activities and the semi-developed countries to provide the bulk of their secondary economic activities. (A) Explain the difference between a dialect and a language. Trade happens all over the world. More industrialized. An example of just-in-time delivery is a car manufacturer that receives parts from its suppliers as they are needed on the production line, rather than receiving large batches of parts in advance and storing them in a warehouse. The development process takes place at different speeds. C) Explain two environmental consequences of population growth, providing an example of each. Brain drain is when more educated people leave a country searching for better opportunities, work, or education. f .=80,95d.f.=80,95 percent confidence, c. d.f.=100,95d . Industrialization. Examples include the Great Wall of China, the Pyramids of Giza in Egypt, and the Mayan ruins in Mexico. Governments are often challenged by the devolutionary factors that challenge state sovereignty. People are living in every corner of the world. Life expectancy is generally much higher in HICs. For instance, migrants may send money back to their home countries, providing an important source of income, but they may also compete with local workers for jobs. They use concepts of location and distribution to do so.Especially important in the study of human geography is the tension between . What a state's dollar can actually buy compared to another state's dollar; what a country is able to buy. Ecotourism is a type of tourism that focuses on experiencing natural areas while minimizing the negative impact on the environment. (D) Describe one way in which language can be used to promote cultural identity and unity. Lets break down that statement. True or false: tourism has helped Tunisias economy, as well as improving other development indicators. Anything not within this line shows the LDCs of the world. If these countries are also in debt, the situation will only worsen, as they will be in a constant cycle of owing money. Be perfectly prepared on time with an individual plan. *Schemes are appropriate and sustainable long-term. Example: The HDI of India Students also viewed Ap Human Geography: Unit 2: Chapter 10 40 terms katebradley0 chem 21 terms Carolinek285 The first sentence says that an economy has many moving parts that are created and sold to people. The free-response question no stimulus found there reads as follows: In most countries, the concept of the state as a political unit is subject to the tensions between centrifugal and centripetal forces. (MDCs) Provide some kind of service. In 2017, the United States had a Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of over $19 trillion, compared to the Central African Republic, with a GDP of $1.95 billion. By registering you get free access to our website and app (available on desktop AND mobile) which will help you to super-charge your learning process. Renewable energy refers to energy sources that are naturally replenished on a human timescale, such as sunlight, wind, water, and geothermal heat. The differences in development across the world, and how development takes place at different speeds. The value is the average of three statistics: basic literacy rate, infant mortality, and life expectancy at age one, all equally weighted on a 0 to 100 scale. Example: the literacy rate of the US is high, The value of a particular product compared to the amount of labor needed to make it. 9E Q'bUU*C4I5d4Nf\Xg.=@$]g:*2w1>JPyX0V[{YNMp6O~tT(tU^BT|KN 4uGw"fZ#qQX%7?)?4R3= C) Describe two economic consequences of migration, providing an example of each. For example, implementing public transportation options can reduce traffic congestion and improve air quality, while green spaces can improve mental health and provide opportunities for community building. Language is a key aspect of cultural identity and is shaped by a variety of social, historical, and political factors. Example: traditional society, The middle grounds. Some countries are much richer and much more powerful than others. It analyzes spatial interdependencies between social interactions and the environment through qualitative and . But why is this the case? 1) Traditional society - Based on subsistence farming, fishing, forestry, and some mining A Packet made by Mr. Sinn to help you succeed not only on the AP Te. What are some strategies that can help to close the development gap? Other examples of cities in the Sun Belt include Tampa, Florida; Dallas, Texas; and Las Vegas, Nevada. AP Human Geography is an introductory college-level human geography course. Two historical factors that have contributed to the growth of urban areas are the Industrial Revolution and suburbanization. Newly Emerging Economies (NEEs) are countries that are seeing a rise in economic development or industrialisation. The United States has uneven development and our ranking on the HDI drops when you account for wealth inequality. True or false: microfinance loans can help individuals escape poverty. Natural disasters can also hinder development, as well as water insecurity. Upload unlimited documents and save them online. It is characterized by a strong reliance on agriculture, trade, and the bartering of goods and services. (A) Define the concept of a state and describe two characteristics of a state. The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are a set of 17 goals adopted by the United Nations in 2015 to end poverty, protect the planet, and ensure peace and prosperity for all. One example of such an organization is the United Nations, which is a global organization that seeks to promote international cooperation and resolve conflicts between states. Indicator of level of development for each country, constructed by United Nations, combining income, literacy, education, and life expectancy. Answer: A nation refers to a group of people who share a common culture, history, and identity, while a state is a political entity with defined territorial boundaries and a permanent population. Uneven development describes the way development differs across the world, and takes place at different speeds. The SDGs are intended to be integrated and indivisible, meaning that they are interconnected and cannot be achieved in isolation. Periphery areas. E) Analyze the relationship between urbanization and globalization, providing at least one example of how globalization has influenced urbanization patterns. Enter the data here into the, Italy suffers from a regional divide - check out this article from, Purchasing Power Parity made easy with Burgernomics. L/$;cqHi}1Kl@g;)k{Qf7og\E[ah]iahz +qp)4 Promote gender equality and empower women. The Central African Republic has a current life expectancy of 54.022. (D) Explain the concept of gerrymandering and describe one example of how it can be used to manipulate political outcomes. The idea behind a growth pole is that economic development in one area can have spillover effects that stimulate growth in other areas. Development levels differ around the world. Answer: Two economic consequences of urbanization include increased job opportunities and increased income inequality. Fig. For instance, as cities become more crowded, people may feel disconnected from their communities and may be less likely to engage in community events or activities. (E) Analyze the relationship between language and power, providing at least one example of how language has been used to maintain or challenge power structures. Answer: Historical and contemporary factors that have influenced language distribution and diversity include colonialism, migration patterns, globalization, and language policies. Nie wieder prokastinieren mit unseren Lernerinnerungen. An example of a historical push factor is the Irish potato famine, which led many Irish people to emigrate to other countries. Check out the examples below to find out more. A classic example of this that is mentioned often is the Rust Belt experience of the Midwest. That statement would have been awarded one point. Answer: Transnationalism refers to the ways in which migrants maintain connections to their home countries while also adapting to their new communities. Test your knowledge with gamified quizzes. states that political & economic relationships b/w countries & regions control & limit the developmental possibilities of less well-off areas (e.g., imperialism caused colonies to be dependent - this helps sustain the prosperity of dominant areas & poverty of other regions); only at later stages of development does the core have a positive impact on the periphery (grants, loans, specialized economic zones,). the state of relying on or needing someone or something for aid, support. (D) Explain the limitations of communication technology in furthering the goals of devolutionary groups and democracy movements. This can result in higher disease rates, causing sickness and death. It is usually used to measure income inequality, but can be used to measure any form of uneven distribution. The dynamic nature of the uneven development process is most pronounced at the urban scale at which capital is most mobile, resulting in, for example, the rapid gentrification (upgrading through the attraction of investment and new middle-class residents) of previously declining inner-city areas. Rural and indigenous communities: These are small communities in remote areas that are often dependent on natural resources for their livelihoods. Deindustrialization is the process of a region or country losing its industrial base and shifting towards a service-based economy. Promoting sustainable agriculture: This can involve using sustainable farming practices that minimize the use of synthetic pesticides and fertilizers, conserve water, and protect soil health. Students were awarded a point only if they stated both sides of the comparison. the total value of goods produced and services provided by a country in a year, divided by the total number of people living in that country. The idea that resources come from the periphery and go to the core. Ch 1 Key Issue 2: Why is Each Point on Earth, World History and Geography: Modern Times. Example: How many men and wowen die counted seperatly in the US. For example, droughts and other extreme weather events can lead to crop failures, which can increase food prices and make it difficult for some people to access basic necessities. It can provide opportunities to support local farmers and to learn about the production of food and drink. What is another name for natural resource curse theory? Environmental determinism is the belief that the environment, most notably its physical factors such as landforms and climate, determines the patterns of human culture and societal development. Answer: One example of a policy designed to address resource distribution challenges is revenue sharing, where revenue from the extraction and sale of natural resources is shared between the government and local communities. Required: 1. While a nation and a state can overlap, they are not synonymous. This dependence has led to criticism that these countries are still being exploited and controlled by outside powers, despite the formal end of colonialism. the facilities which provide the essential framework for industry e.g. Create and find flashcards in record time. An example of its impact on language diversity is the spread of English as a global language, which has led to the loss of other languages and dialects. Warm climates make diseases like malaria or dengue fever more common, causing sickness, and reducing the workforce, limiting economic growth. Ecotourism can provide a range of benefits, including: Environmental benefits: By promoting conservation and sustainability, ecotourism can help to protect and preserve natural areas and biodiversity. Possible Answers: One example of how globalization has affected the power of the state is the growth of supranational organizations like the European Union, which have the power to override certain decisions made by individual member states. Uneven development describes how development is different across the world. This can be economic, social, political, and/or environmental. Governments are often challenged by the devolutionary factors that challenge state sovereignty. Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is how much money a country makes in a year from its products or services. Materials that other things are made from. Take a look at the Closing the Development Gap explanation for more on this topic. An example of a maquiladora is a factory in Mexico that imports raw materials from the United States, assembles the materials into finished products, and then exports the products back to the United States. development that meets the needs of the present, without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. 2: Antilia Tower ( by A. Savin ( Liense type: Free Art License ( - More developed countries, use the resources of the periphery to continue their success. HICs and TNCs tend to source their raw materials from LICs, as it is usually much cheaper. Example: This could happen in Nepal. US - only 2% of workers are in agriculture. Economic growth is vital for understanding development as a whole. An example of language convergence is Spanglish, which combines elements of Spanish and English to create a distinct dialect that is used in some regions of the United States and Latin America. What are some consequences of uneven development? Manufacturing employment in the U.S. has declined from around 25% of the total workforce in the 1950s to around 10% in recent years. The total value of goods and services produced within the borders of a country during a specific time period, usually one year. (G) Analyze the effectiveness of one policy or program designed to address the challenges of political geography. The AP Human Geography test is two hours and 15 minutes long. Two characteristics of a state are sovereignty, which refers to its ability to govern itself without external interference, and legitimacy, which refers to the recognition of the states authority by its citizens and other states.