I urge you all to stick around because it . And if you fell off sideways, you landed on the damn, er, darn cement over there. Tucker: New York Times revives attacks on Brett Kavanaugh. That says something very good about America by the way. JOE BIDEN (D), PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: The corn pop was a bad dude, and he ran a bunch of bad boys. Daniel, thanks so much for coming on. And I walked up to my car. If they don't, it drives them crazy. In Bidens telling, CornPop was a bad dude who ran a bunch of bad boys, was armed with a straight-razor and backed by other gang members. That's the way it was designed and for a reason, and for more than 200 years, it's worked. CARLSON: Well, some of the Democratic Party are upset that voters are beginning to suspect the Democrats want to confiscate guns. CARLSON: All right, so my producers are telling me that actually that is footage from the rumble from "West Side Story." And I take my -- you said it was the greatest political anecdote of the last 10 years. And the FBI, as we know, had a list of dozens of people between Deborah Ramirez and this Max Stier who they did not speak to and or Christine Blasey Ford, why did they not speak to Christine Blasey Ford, or Kavanaugh? TURNER: I don't understand that and remember the whole phrase "no blood for oil.". I think -- what was that -- it is from "Copacabana" I think. Instead of calling the police, Biden met CornPop and his cronies head on, having armed himself with a 6ft chain. Biden says he told Corn Pop to get off the diving board or Ill come up and drag you off., GET OUT OF THE DARN POOL, CORN POP! "And he ran a bunch of bad boys. A tough guy by the name of CornPop, leader of a Delaware gang called the Romans, was waiting for him outside the pool. LISA BOOTHE, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR: Hi, Tucker. Biden reportedly pulled secret service agents aside and told them to keep an eye on the man who he called a "bad dude.". Joe Biden - Cornpop Was A Bad Dude. The Root claimed that the incident was well-known and it earned Biden respect of the African-American community in Wilmington, Delaware. His name was William Morris. Legal Statement. He says, for example, that the way you make the straight razor rusty is to put it in a rainbow, like a milk toast, like you Tucker, you've got indoor plumbing, and you think you can just run it under the faucet. Then she threatened to go to "The Times. CARLSON: What a loathsome little extremist he is. Eilish OSullivan is the news wire editor for the Daily Dot. : Tear away label Thanks for the latest on that. Watch. From $21.50. You know, it's not simply enough that The New York Times had to run a correction -- a correction that explained precisely what actually went on here. But wait, here's a late breaking addition to the story. She couldn't go back to her job. I walked out with the chain. In a thread, the Root writer Michael Harriot sparked renewed interested in the gang leader from Bidens past. Love and hate politics. # joe biden # democrat # democrats # corn pop # corn pop was a bad dude # movies # popcorn # watching # pop corn # this is good # big brother # popcorn # bbad # pop corn # eating popcorn # tv # excited # movies . CNN reporter Daniel Dale, meanwhile, found an obituary for a Wilmington man called William L CornPop Morris, who died in 2016 aged 73. So -- and there's also been a lot of character witnesses that have stepped forward knowing him from his time in high school saying, "Look, this guy is salt of the Earth, right? No. Biden says he faced off gang leader armed with a razor blade in 1962 a former state president of the NAACP supports his yarn. Then he jumps to telling us that Corn Pop was a "bad dude" who "ran bad boys . GOODSTEIN: That's exactly the point Democrats are saying, let's have the F.B.I. And you know that's really interesting because she was an undergraduate there at the same time, and that's her whole authority for writing this book with "The New York Times." But he is still explaining his relationship with the black community by dragging around the corpse of a 57 . He is entitled due process. Empowering text: You Ain't Black, I'm Joe Biden and I forgot the message and You know the thing. Armond White, one of the very few critics to think for himself and for that reason, we're always happy to have you on the show. So Biden went to his buddy. CARLSON: But in the end, if you're saying -- so, but here's the distinction that I think is new. And you'd think it would spur the Democratic candidates, the one who called for Kavanagh's impeachment to rethink their positions. CornPop came down but apparently was displeased not least because Biden had also called him Esther, a reference to then-prominent swimmer Esther Williams. Were you nevertheless surprised by the shoddiness of the story that "The Times" printed? But I am not certainly out here to defend the F.B.I. All rights reserved. And he was threatening to cut the future vice-president. He threw 'Corn Pop' out of the pool, and he and his buddies were outside, waiting for him with rusty straight-razors to jump him. CARLSON: And in this country, if you're a victim and an adult, you can say so and if you don't say so, then I'm sorry, we're not going to punish the perpetrator. According to childhood friend "Smokey," Trudeau used to be known as "Corn Pop," and was a "bad dude" who ran around with "a bunch of bad boys." One day, Corn Pop and Smokey were hanging at the community pool/hockey rink when a white lifeguard named Joey B scolded Corn Pop for not following the rules. A correction that said of the woman who is alleged to have been victim has been telling folks that she wasn't a victim, that she hasn't been able to confirm this story for these "New York Times" reporters for more than a year. 2.2K views, 109 likes, 2 loves, 40 comments, 105 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from Lyin' Joe Biden: You can't get what he is smoking when he's doing his Esther Williams on you. CARLSON: A sexual predator who must be impeached. She was asked that directly. She said that Christine Ford wanted to put an asterisk above Brett Kavanaugh's name when he takes a scalpel against Roe versus Wade, right? So I walked out with the chain. Easy mistake to make, but we assume the encounter with corn pop did look something like that. Senator Feinstein sat on that information for six weeks and Democrats weaponized it at the 11th hour despite multiple times where they could have come forward with this information whether it was Brett Kavanaugh testifying closed doors, 1,300 questions that were submitted to Brett Kavanaugh that could have been in that, or even in these meetings sitting down with Brett Kavanaugh as well. My guess is the video creator went with the "Corn Pop" clip because it best matched the animatronic gestures and mouth movement. So Mark, we don't have the footage, unfortunately, we thought we did, we don't. GALLAGHER: It turns out after a thorough investigation, there was a corn pop living in Delaware at the time and a former NAACP President says it is true, Biden stood his ground. Yes, you heard me correctly. WHITE: And that's got to be of concern to everyone. The story itself sounds a lot like the three or four other different allegations that we heard at great length a year ago, in that there's no evidence whatsoever that it's true -- none. It was simply the amorphous attack on all Americans, but most important, it was an attack on Omar herself. But we were in Chengdu, a town that was, I think . And closed the straight razor, but my heart began to beat again. Look for that live here on Fox. So isn't it time then to say, "Oh, wow, you know, now I have new information. The F.B.I. And I think Chris Coons is right that -- Chris Coons is right that you know, if we want to win states that we can win like Texas and Georgia and Florida and Pennsylvania, we can't talk about taking people's guns away. He served as the 47th vice president from 2009 to 2017 under President Barack Obama. That's probably why this woman hasn't talked. CARLSON: Is it --I mean, part of this is a little confusing, because we know that he is not going to be impeached. Why is that bad? GOODSTEIN: Well, using the term sexual assault, right, if --. In 2010, The Root ran a story about Joe Biden and the Corn Pop Tale. I thought in fairness, people should see the full Joe Biden speech from the event, and not just a 2-min. Plus, President Trump about to speak in New Mexico, you can see it live right here on Fox, so stay tuned for that. SEN. RICHARD BLUMENTHAL (D-CT): We have a constitutional duty to get to the bottom of these allegations. Left resurrects Kavanaugh smear campaign as 2020 Democrats demand his impeachment. CARLSON: Thank you. It made the brilliant bid. Or maybe on Saturday -- over the weekend anyway and the media jumped on it. In 2017, Biden told the story at theBrown-Burton-Winchester Park inWilmington, Delaware, which is the place he served as a lifeguard at and was being honored in a ceremony. NICHOLS: Right. Every night, viewers can expect: Comedy, humor, funny moments, witty interviews, celebrities, famous people, movie stars, bits, humorous celebrities doing bits, funny celebs, big group photos of every star from Hollywood, even the reclusive ones, plus also jokes. by USAgovermentmemeinspector. BOOTHE: Well, there wasn't any, and we also haven't heard them, you know, take back these calls for impeachment either considering the fact that there really is no alleged victim here because the alleged victim told her friends that she doesn't even remember that this incident ever happening. CARLSON: Lisa Boothe is a Senior Fellow at Independent Women's Voice. WASHINGTON, D.C.President Biden was bewildered on Monday when his old arch-enemy Corn Pop was spotted at the White House during an event celebrating the passage of the Affordable Care Act 12 years prior. And a lot of those guns would be banned under the Beto scheme or the Elizabeth Warren scheme or the Kamala Harris scheme. Daniel, thank you. And so I said, "Hey, Esther! Corn Pop Was A Bad Dude, But Joe Biden Wasn't Scared - The Late Show with Stephen Colbert - 17 September 2019 - YouTube - Retrieved 20 February 2021; maybe now, account for itself, do an investigation now. President Trump will start speaking any moment now in New Mexico. We don't know what she says. BOOTHE: Well, that would be a good question for him, but I think another thing that's important with all of this that doesn't get discussed as much, it's just how thoroughly vetted Brett Kavanaugh was, right? We may never know. They've been shooting Saudi Arabia. When he was confirmed to the District Court of Appeals, he also went through a vetting process and confirmation process. Hell, yes, we're going to take your AR-15, your AK-47 CARLSON: Well, people were shocked, but within a year or two, mark our words, Beto's position will be mandatory for every Democrat running for office. He was reputed to be leader of a local gang called The Romans. And here's a bright guy and he is not unafraid to ask questions, some of the most revealing questions that I have ever had a world leader ask me. I don't think those two things should be an excuse. Oct 4, 2020 - Our Bad tote bags are great for carrying around your school & office work, or other shopping purchases. The national news media as you remember, joined the smear campaign. SEN. CHRIS COONS, (D-DE): I frankly think that that clip will be played for years at Second Amendment rallies with organizations that try to scare people by saying Democrats are coming for your guns. Where did voters get that idea? But again, these people who are running for President with the goal of making all of that illegal by 2030. The F.B.I. You know, Kamala Harris says she smoked weed listening to Tupac and Snoop Dogg. But this amazes me that we have an administration that out of the millions of people who are qualified in this country of all races and genders, they consistently find men who beat, abuse and sexually assault women. He just published an essay in "The New York Post" calling Netflix quote, "An Obama propaganda machine." Heres an obituary for Wilmingtons William L. CornPop Morris, who died at 73 in 2016., According to an obituary posted on Legacy.com via Delaware Online, William L. Morris passed away with family by his side on Dec. 2, 2016. corn poop was a bad dude funny Classic T-Shirt. We do know, however, that Biden at least according to himself is unafraid of violence. You spent a year thinking about this, reporting on it. . WHITE: Well, I suppose they have the right to do it, of course. A razor-armed gang leader in Wilmington, Delaware, who was confronted and stared down by then-lifeguard Joe Biden and a six-foot chain. Harriot recountedthat story, sometimes using Bidens own words from where he first told the story: in his2008 autobiography Promises to Keep: On Life and Politics. GOODSTEIN: The reason the Democrats are talking about doing something -- I agree that impeachment is absurd -- is to basically show, here's what the F.B.I. Find your thing. . She is an adult. Kavanaugh frustrates their political hopes, so any smear against him is acceptable, no matter what it is. Among them: Former state NAACP President Richard Mouse Smith. Many people think it's America's obligation, though, to fight wars on behalf of the Saudi Kingdom. Corn Pop The Late Show with Stephen Colbert, episode "Tom Hiddlestone/Marie Osmond'' Corn Pop was portrayed by Talib Babb, . Others were skeptical about the very idea of a chain-wielding Biden facing off with three armed gang members. Overview. JOY REID, MSNBC HOST: And do you believe then that he is essentially a sexual predator or that he was at some point? I did an impromptu parody of a Joe Biden anecdote on your show last week. I mean, he is one tough hombre. Those families are hoping the F.B.I. 4444. The best GIFs are on GIPHY. But I think it is really important for us to make sure that we are not forgetting, right, the aftermath of what happened after 9/11. This is a rush transcript from "Tucker Carlson Tonight," September 16, 2019. Interesting. You'd think we'd be celebrating that. Thank you very much. Congrats on the book. Ryan, thanks for joining us tonight. I think there are lots of, you know, gun reforms that we can have. He grew up working with black people, and we got to know him well. But if you were a Minister in Europe, where they get a huge percentage of their oil and gas from the Persian Gulf, I would be nervous if I were them. And it's the kind of illusion, I'm sorry, it is a kind of collusion that Americans should be very worried about and concerned about, especially the lack of disclosure there. GALLAGHER: Esther meaning, the swimmer Esther Williams. They're committed to remaking this country completely right now. RUTH BADER GINSBURG, SUPREME COURT ASSOCIATE JUSTICE: Our new Justice, Justice Kavanaugh, whose entire staff are all women, are all of his law clerks are women. DAVID MUIR, ABC ANCHOR: Are you proposing taking away their guns and how would this work? Here's an obituary for Wilmington's William L. "CornPop" Morris, who died at 73 in 2016. Right now though, Senator Chris Coons of Delaware is worried that statements like that could hurt the Democrats going forward. CARLSON: I think Lisa raises a really important question. GALLAGHER: Biden says he then use diplomacy to get corn pop to stand down, offering a half apology. Now if youre black, I know this shit sounds like some white kid tried to make a gang fairy tale for a sixth-grade play because you and I know there aint no squad led by a nigga named Corn Pop going around terrorizing Delaware pools, Harriot wrote in one of the tweets. Disgusting. You've got to keep lying to them. CARLSON: The President is about to start a rally in New Mexico. share. Mark Steyn is an author and a columnist and he joins us tonight. I think in the case of Christine Blasey Ford, she didn't want to talk to them. Now, people are theorizing who Corn Pop, the local pool terrorizer, might be. Aquatic Center June 26, 2017, City Pool Complex Named for Former Vice President Joe Biden Biden was a youth lifeguard at the former Prices Run Park pool (today known as Brown Burton Winchester Park); the pool facility was dedicated today as the Joseph R. Biden Jr. Her work has appeared in the Austin Chronicle and the Daily Texan. CARLSON: So if you are sworn to destroy it, you are attempting to undermine the United States in a profound way? CARLSON: Remarkable. And he was right. 1,379 views, 15 upvotes, 1 comment. We're dependent on foreign oil, and as a result, we have to intervene in these wars where Americans die and our Treasury gets drained. Find Funny GIFs, Cute GIFs, Reaction GIFs and more. We'll talk to one of the best film critics in America who makes that case? RYAN LOVELACE, AUTHOR: I was surprised by the shoddiness of it, but I was also in some ways, you know, warning that this was part of a larger pattern -- a pattern of not disclosing what actually is going on here. I've never heard of a guy who is a one-time sexual assaulter. But what I really found was a search and destroy process that began even before Judge Kavanaugh was selected. As Robespierre noted, when you make omelets, you break eggs. The theories range from Prison Mike to the pimp inIm Gonna Git You Sucka (1988). He has gone -- Biden has gone full Esther Williams on that lousy pop culture pandering and literally blown her out of the water. that she was being pressured by Christian Ford's friends to change her story. Judge Brett Kavanaugh has a responsibility to come forward with evidence to rebut them. Mark Steyn. directly, "Please talk to him.". This is the opposite of what the third branch was meant to do or be.